GLP-What!? A Story of Serendipity that’s Shifting Paradigms in Obesity Treatment
You’ve probably heard the word Ozempic® somewhere on social media, TV news, or perhaps you even know someone taking this or a similar medication. But what are they? How do they work? Are they safe? And most importantly, who can benefit from them? What Are GLP-1s and How Do They Work? As the Greek physician…
Artificial Sweeteners: Simply Sweet or Surely Unsafe?
As a dietitian I am frequently asked, “are artificial sweeteners safe to use?”. It feels like nutrition research is constantly changing, so I understand the confusion. People choose to use artificial sweeteners for various reasons including diabetes or weight loss but most share the same concern about safety. Here, I’ll break down what we know…
Healthier Eating at Parties
Parties, family gatherings and big celebrations are usually filled with family, friends, and of course a feast of our favorite foods. Don’t let these derail your healthy eating habits. Follow these 6 tips to stay on track while still enjoying parties with people you love! 1. Did you know the average Thanksgiving meal is 4,500 calories! One…
The Power of Breakfast
I know you have heard it before but I will say it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day! There’s good reason you hear this all the time. Numerous studies have shown that eating breakfast helps improve concentration, for children and for adults. It is also associated with reduced risk of obesity…
Mindful Holiday Eating Hints: Staying Focused on What Really Matters
As the holidays roll in, many people look forward to familiar traditions, spending time with family or friends, and of course the food. To “save room” for the holiday feast, many will skimp on breakfast or skip lunch the day of. This usually results in grazing on endless appetizers before sitting down for the main…
5 Tips to Handle Emotional Eating
As we are being asked to stay home and limit our social interaction there is no doubt a rise in stress and anxiety levels throughout our neighborhood. These uncertain times can bring forth negative emotions, which many cope with by turning to food. Stress can wreak havoc on appetite which may mean overeating, binge eating,…
Why Can’t I Stop Eating at Night?
One of the biggest complaints I get from patients is that they can’t stop snacking at night. They think this is the downfall in their diet, and come to me looking for “healthy alternatives”. They are often shocked to hear the solution may be eating more! I wish I kept track of the number of…
Infant Formula Shortage in 2022: What to do When You Can’t Find Any
By now nearly everyone knows there is a national shortage of infant formula. This is impacting parents and guardians all over the country, South Boston is certainly no exception. Here is a link to the official guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which gives the option of cow’s milk when formula is not available…