Sports Supplements: Do They Really Deliver on Their Promises?
Who wouldn’t want to be more muscular, stronger, faster, or burn fat more quickly? With rising rates of obesity and more of a focus on the role of exercise in a healthy lifestyle, the emergence of the market for sports supplements which claim to help people achieve their fitness goals makes a lot of sense….
GLP-What!? A Story of Serendipity that’s Shifting Paradigms in Obesity Treatment
You’ve probably heard the word Ozempic® somewhere on social media, TV news, or perhaps you even know someone taking this or a similar medication. But what are they? How do they work? Are they safe? And most importantly, who can benefit from them? What Are GLP-1s and How Do They Work? As the Greek physician…
Preventing Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer has a terrifying reputation, and rightly so. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women. Roughly one in twenty people will be diagnosed with this disease at some point in their lives. The encouraging news is that commonly available screening methods exist for early detection. It is…
New Parent Winter Survival Tips
Congratulations! It’s your first winter as a new parent in snowy, cold New England. Whether your baby is brand new or nearing their first birthday here are some tips to enjoy the icy winter and not get stuck in the snow: 1. Get good at wearing that baby! Even the best stroller is no…
Why a Great Urgent Care is Wonderful (and a PCP is Even Better).
At South Boston Community Health Center, we opened our first urgent care site this Fall – South Boston Health Seaport Urgent Care at 505 Congress Street. We are excited and amazed at how, starting from the very first day, it has been incredibly busy. We knew that opening it in the increasingly popular Seaport area…
Artificial Sweeteners: Simply Sweet or Surely Unsafe?
As a dietitian I am frequently asked, “are artificial sweeteners safe to use?”. It feels like nutrition research is constantly changing, so I understand the confusion. People choose to use artificial sweeteners for various reasons including diabetes or weight loss but most share the same concern about safety. Here, I’ll break down what we know…
Healthier Eating at Parties
Parties, family gatherings and big celebrations are usually filled with family, friends, and of course a feast of our favorite foods. Don’t let these derail your healthy eating habits. Follow these 6 tips to stay on track while still enjoying parties with people you love! 1. Did you know the average Thanksgiving meal is 4,500 calories! One…
Sweet Willpower
I’ve been talking about this topic much more frequently in sessions with clients: sugar. Many people struggle with finding a balanced way to enjoy sweets. “I don’t have any willpower”, I hear it all the time. Truth is, it isn’t an issue of willpower, it’s an issue of restriction. When we say sweets are “bad”…
Starting Solids Primer: Part 2
This is part two of our Starting Solids Primer. In part one we discussed when to start solids. Click here to start there. So you’ve determined your baby and you are both ready for them to start solids, and now you are wondering what exactly to do first. There are two common feeding styles you’ve likely…
The Power of Breakfast
I know you have heard it before but I will say it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day! There’s good reason you hear this all the time. Numerous studies have shown that eating breakfast helps improve concentration, for children and for adults. It is also associated with reduced risk of obesity…