Primary Care During the Covid Crisis: Telemedicine is in full swing at SBCHC!
Amidst the 2019 coronavirus pandemic we know our patients are suddenly faced with countless questions. Not the least of these is whether it is safe, or even possible to get their basic medical needs taken care of. The answer from those of us working at South Boston Community Health Center is yes, absolutely. And we…
5 Tips to Handle Emotional Eating
As we are being asked to stay home and limit our social interaction there is no doubt a rise in stress and anxiety levels throughout our neighborhood. These uncertain times can bring forth negative emotions, which many cope with by turning to food. Stress can wreak havoc on appetite which may mean overeating, binge eating,…
Tips for Soothing Pandemic Anxiety
If you have felt an uptick in your stress levels during the pandemic, you are not alone. The Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed an obnoxiously long list of new things to worry about: concerns about our own health and the health of those we love, nagging questions about finances and job security, and daily disruptions to…
The COVID Vaccine Is Here! And Everyone Has Questions.
No matter what brings patients in to see me in the past 6 months we always end up having the same discussion. It comes at the end of the visit when all the other questions and concerns have been addressed. “What do you think about the COVID vaccine?” And in the two past months, since…