Healthy Eating

Sweet Willpower

I’ve been talking about this topic much more frequently in sessions with clients: sugar. Many people struggle with finding a balanced way to enjoy sweets. “I don’t have any willpower”, I hear it all the time. Truth is, it isn’t an issue of willpower, it’s an issue of restriction. When we say sweets are “bad”…

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Fruits and Veggies that Won’t Break the Bank!

Most of us know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us. It can do anything from reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes to help prevent the common cold. A healthy diet can work wonders! Many of my patients express concern over the cost associated with adding more fruits and vegetables to their…

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Mindful Holiday Eating Hints: Staying Focused on What Really Matters

As the holidays roll in, many people look forward to familiar traditions, spending time with family or friends, and of course the food. To “save room” for the holiday feast, many will skimp on breakfast or skip lunch the day of. This usually results in grazing on endless appetizers before sitting down for the main…

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Artificial Sweeteners: Simply Sweet or Surely Unsafe?

As a dietitian I am frequently asked, “are artificial sweeteners safe to use?”. It feels like nutrition research is constantly changing, so I understand the confusion. People choose to use artificial sweeteners for various reasons including diabetes or weight loss but most share the same concern about safety. Here, I’ll break down what we know…

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The Power of Breakfast

I know you have heard it before but I will say it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day! There’s good reason you hear this all the time. Numerous studies have shown that eating breakfast helps improve concentration, for children and for adults. It is also associated with reduced risk of obesity…

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Coping with the Cold, How to Stay Cheerful During the Long Cold Winter

Coping with the Cold, How to Stay Cheerful During the Long Cold Winter By: Mary McPherson If you find yourself feeling a little “off” during the winter months, you’re not alone. The darkness. The cold. The stress, loneliness, and even grief that may come with the holidays. It can be a difficult time, and somehow…

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Is the Ketogenic Diet a Good Idea?

If you have been on the internet over the past year chances are you’ve heard something about the Keto Diet. Whether it be success stories, celebrity endorsements, Keto supplements or recipes, it is near impossible to ignore. So what is it exactly? Does it work? And should you try it? The Ketogenic (Keto) Diet is…

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Healthier Eating at Parties

Parties, family gatherings and big celebrations are usually filled with family, friends, and of course a feast of our favorite foods.   Don’t let these derail your healthy eating habits. Follow these 6 tips to stay on track while still enjoying parties with people you love! 1. Did you know the average Thanksgiving meal is 4,500 calories! One…

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“Deserves 5 stars. Pediatrics department is amazing. Always accommodating, quick with answering questions, super doctors and staff all around. Love!”
Parent of Pediatrics Patient 2024
“We are an elderly couple who have been patients at the SBCHC clinic for many years. Dr. Saxena stands out for correctness and creating a warm and very communicative doctor-patient environment. The doctor listens very attentively and calmly to everything you tell him. Simplicity in communication, diagnosis, and continuous patient condition monitoring make this doctor stand out from the rest.”
Dr. Saxena
Adult Medicine Patients 2024
“I feel that it is a well-oiled machine, with Dr. Brout at South Boston. I just can't say enough good things! They know why I am there without a computer, since everybody knows what is going on with me, all staff. Everybody is on the same page, for a level of healthcare I had never experienced.”
Family Medicine/Dr Brout
Family Medicine Patient 2022
“I like the doctors my son has. They listen, are very understanding, and seem like they care. I just like how they are with my son.”
BH Parent
Parent of Behavioral Health Patient 2022
“I like the attentiveness and feeling heard. I appreciate the fact that providers always make me feel involved in decisions.”
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Patient 2022
“I like that the service is more personalized because you know the people, and that is very important.”
Dental Patient 2022
“I liked that they were attentive and fast. They gave me the support I needed and were empathetic and organized. I went to a lot of departments, and all of the staff was this way.”
Family Medicine
Family Medicine Patient 2022
“The staff in the lab, Verinta or "V," is amazing. My son was literally giddy with delight at her joking and playfulness. He was actually so happy with her, he didn't react to the blood draw, but then cried outside a tiny bit with a delayed reaction like "hey, wait, that hurt." She is an absolutely phenomenal addition to the phlebotomy team! Overall, a great experience.”
May 2019
Parent of a Pediatric Patient
“Dr. Kane always asks me if I understand everything and whether or not I need further clarification... I really appreciate him explaining everything so in depth.”
Eye Care Patient 2018
“There’s an emphasis on education here. Dr. Chiakpo and Marianna (a nurse in training) provided a lot of background concerning my issue and even brought in diagrams, which I greatly appreciated, since I’m a visual learner. They both gave me space to ask questions on everything. I really appreciated the time they spent with me.”
Family Medicine Patient 2018